Keiji Maeda 

Mr. Keiji Maeda is the most attractive samurai warrior. That's because Keiji has become a history maker because of his so strong force although he did not want power.

History makers are persons who want power like Alexander the Great, Caesar and Napoleon.

But, Keiji did not want power although I'm sure Keiji was able to get power because of his so strong force. That's because fairness and persisting in his belief are important for him, that is, power is of no value to him because Keiji had real Samurai Spirit more strongly than any other samurai warriors. As a result, since 1990, many Japanese people have a great deal of empathy for Keiji's life.

However, it is very rare for such a person who did not want power.

Why Keiji has been able to become a history maker? That's because Keiji was tougher than whom in every way, that is, he had so strong force. As a result, like a cloud in the sky, Keiji lived out his allotted span freely in the stormy Age of Japanese Civil Wars.


-Profile of Keiji-

16th century was a tumultuous time in Japan.

Many heroes appeared in this time. For example, they are FIERCE TIGER"Shingen Takeda", WAR GOD"Kenshin Uesugi", ONE-EYED DRAGON"Masamune Date", PATIENCE SAMURAI LORD"Ieyasu Tokugawa", SUCCESSFUL MAN"Hideyoshi Toyotomi", REVOLUTIONIST"Nobunaga Oda" and etc..

Mr. Keiji Maeda was born at such a time.

Keiji is a Maeda family's legitimate son.

However, the inheritor of the Maeda family became impossible by command of Nobunaga Oda who is their lord.

The cause was the political reason. I assume this trouble had many influences on Keiji's moral formation.

And then, Keiji came to be known as "KABUKIMONO."

"KABUKIMONO" means person who surprises people by bold action and unusual clothes, that is, it is like "Outsider."

Moreover, Keiji has come to be called "the greatest Kabukimono in Japan." There are four reasons. 1st, that's because, by supreme power-wielder(Hideyoshi Toyotomi), Keiji was permitted to be Kabukimono anytime and anywhere because he did not give in to Hideyoshi, that is, Keiji stuck to his human dignity by preparing for own death from Hideyoshi's anger. Secondly, that's because Keiji is one of the greatest samurai warriors, that is, Keiji performed so great deeds on some battlefields. Thirdly, that's because Keiji was one of the most excellent highbrows at that time. For example, excellent Keiji Maeda's travel journal which has his many poems is extant. Finally, that's because Keiji is a honorable man, that is, Keiji loved more good losers than bad gainers. In fact, Keiji belonged to Kanetsugu Naoe because of fairness or friendship from 1598 until Keiji's dying day.

There was the last war for Keiji in 1600. At this time, Keiji was about 59 years old, and was in Uesugi force which is commanded by Kanetsugu Naoe. And Keiji left some outstanding war records in this war. It's notable that a few samurai warriors who centered in Keiji rolled back tens of thousands of enemy forces by their all red spear at full retreat. As a result, the Uesugi force returned their base unscathed.

After the war, Keiji spends the rest of his fortunate life in Yonezawa. A poetry "MUKUAN(a place without all pains)" which Keiji left in the rest of his life is describing Buddhahood.

Historians have presumed that Keiji died in 1612. It means Keiji lived over 70 years old. At that time, it is in the category of long life.

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